Climate Conversations

This week saw the launch of Climate Guides - a toolkit & workshop to spark meaningful conversations about climate change.

In response to the Climate Emergency, we were commissioned by the Government of Jersey to build a campaign to engage locals in conversations about climate change.

We’ve been running workshops (outdoors, of course) training islanders to become climate guides - and it’s been incredible so far. Our aim is to reach beyond the usual suspects, to bring in more diverse voices and make the whole conversation feel more accessible and inclusive.

Here’s the part we’re most excited about - we built the guide in two parts, one super local (what’s happening here on island in regards to climate adaption & mitigation) and one much more global (the science translated into plain english & tips on how to frame a good climate conversation).

That means we can take this idea beyond Jersey - other communities can adopt it, work with us to build their own local map and use it as a simple but effective tool to engage & amplify climate conversations.

CampaignLinzi Hawkin